The Pocket Gamer Awards 2022 is nearly drawing to a close - the votes have been collated, the tuxedos have been rented, and the script is almost written. All that’s left is to announce this year’s lucky winners with a suitably snazzy ceremony, which we’ll be broadcasting live on YouTube and Twitch on Tuesday 13th December at 5pm UK time.
We can say with all sincerity that this past year has been an especially exciting one for mobile games, with the release of some fantastic adaptations in Apex Legends Mobile and Ni No Kuni: Crossworlds; some brilliant original releases like Spiritfarer and Phobies; and a few blasts from the past with titles like Streets of Rage 4, Pikmin: Bloom, and Diablo Immortal. And, thanks to our sponsor Blizzard Entertainment, you’ll be able to tune in live to find out the winners of each one of this year’s 20 categories, which celebrate the very best in every conceivable genre, style, and platform, as voted for by you - so a special thanks also goes out to you, our loyal readers. ... [MORE]